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In Financiahogar we are clear that in every business there are hard moments in which having the help and advice of real experts is essential.

For this reason, all our franchisees have a continuous assistance through the figure of the delegate, in charge of supporting the franchisee in all doubts and questions. through the figure of the delegate, in charge of supporting the franchisee in all the commercial and strategic doubts that the day and strategic doubts that the day to day generates; and for any other query or solution of a non-commercial nature, the franchisee has the and for any other non-commercial query or solution, the franchisee can count on the collaboration of all the Central Services. Central Services.

At Financiahogar we not only want to satisfy our customers, but we also want all of our collaborators and franchisees to identify with the values of our company. that all our collaborators and franchisees identify with the values of a successful brand. successful brand. We want to offer you the opportunity to be part of a company with the support and professionalism of the company with the support and professionalism of the different central departments specialized in each area of activity to provide you with solutions in the development of your business. business.

The foundation of any successful business begins with the choice of brand. A great brand brand must be able to define for itself its mission, values and attributes. attributes. The recognition and notoriety of Financiahogar go hand in hand with a method of operation, already consolidated in the market, with proven method, already consolidated in the market, of proven success and effectiveness in a network of offices. of offices.

Tested throughout the entire sales network, our organization and work formula is flexible and fully adapted to the current market dynamism. fully adapts to the current dynamism of the market, with a total guarantee for the smooth running of all points of sale, regardless of their location of all points of sale, regardless of their location, structure or age. age. We transfer to you all our knowledge, our experience, our management model through a series of manuals management model through a series of operational manuals, easy to use, easy to understand and quick to apply. easy to understand and quick to apply.

El beneficio para nuestros franquiciados se basa en la exclusividad de la zona asignada, la especializaciĆ³n y la uniformidad. Asignamos una zona de exclusividad y buscamos la especializaciĆ³n de los empleados que conforman la oficina: un director de Oficina, una Coordinadora y los Asesores Inmobiliarios. El otro aspecto importante es la uniformidad de la red: todas las oficinas tienen la misma imagen corporativa, tanto exterior como interior. La suma de una gran marca mĆ”s un mĆ©todo operativo claro y de fĆ”cil implantaciĆ³n nos ha convertido en una de las enseƱas de mĆ”s Ć©xito del panorama inmobiliario.

From the Financiahogar Head Office we have detailed a training plan, because we believe that it is essential in a business of this kind to provide we believe that it is essential in a business of these characteristics to provide the franchisee with specific franchisee of a specific training. This plan is divided into:

Initial training: On the one hand, it consists of theoretical training which will be attended by the franchisee and his staff, where the business, products and services, customers, business operations, software content, knowledge of financing, knowledge of contracts and legal regulations, commercial techniques to facilitate the recruitment and sale and rental of apartments will be explained. On the other hand, 2 days of support will be provided at the franchisee's office at the beginning of the business to help in the start-up of the business and to attend to the first visits.

Continuous training: The continuous training consists of a quarterly visit to the franchisee's office to solve the most difficult doubts and to help in the organization of the business and in the sales work, in addition to the continuous advice of the delegate.
In addition, training modules will be held periodically for the entire Financiahogar staff. An annual convention is also held to present the latest services and products, report on the chain's growth and market evolution.

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